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Are You Embarrassed By Your Operating instructions For Electronics Skills? Here’s What To Do 

If you’re like most people, you probably have a some operating instructions for electronics skills that you’re embarrassed about. Maybe you can’t solder properly, or don’t know how to use a multimeter.

Whatever your skill deficit may be, there’s no need to be ashamed. Everyone has to start somewhere, and with a little practice, you can become an electronics pro in no time. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to improve your electronics skills so that you can take your projects to the next level. Keep reading to learn more!

Don’t be ashamed of not knowing how to operate your electronics – everyone has to start somewhere

It can be embarrassing when it seems like everyone else around you has a seemingly natural knack for operating electronics–especially when you don’t. It’s okay, though; everybody has to start somewhere! Being willing to put yourself out there and ask questions is the only way to learn how to operate unfamiliar devices. When it comes to technology, many of us are in the same boat, so have no shame if you need tips and tutorials on how to use your new gadget. There’s no such thing as a silly question when it comes to learning about tech – there’s only ones that haven’t been asked yet!

Do some research online or ask a friend for help in order to learn the basics

When it comes to getting up to speed on the basics of a new project or skill set, doing some initial research online or asking a friend for help are great options. Not only can research provide guidance in learning the basics, but when conducted properly it can offer multiple angles and perspectives on any given subject matter. Additionally, friends or mentors who have expertise in the field can be incredibly valuable resources for learning the ropes. Gathering these techniques simultaneously is an effective way to rapidly absorb the fundamental concepts and pick up skills quicker than going at it alone would allow.

Once you know how to use your electronic devices, take advantage of their features and explore all the possibilities

Using our electronic devices can give us almost unlimited access to the world, from news and entertainment to education, gaming, and more. Once you know how to use your device to your desired needs, don’t get stuck on what it was originally made for. Take advantage of its features and explore all the possibilities available! With the various apps one can install on their phone, computer, tablet or other devices, there is a multitude of resources and options available! Doing this expands the potential of your device and allows you to achieve new tasks that could not have been done before. These capabilities leave room for creativity and innovation while providing an enjoyable experience with high-tech tools.

Keep practicing and expanding your skills so that you can eventually become an expert

Becoming an expert in any field can be a daunting task, but if you stay consistent and keep honing your skills, you can achieve it. It is important to understand that being an expert requires hard work, dedication and patience. Regular practice with the right approach is key to continued progress and excellence. In order to become an expert, you must also ensure that you expand your knowledge regularly by learning new material, listening to experts in the field or even taking up additional education on the subject at hand. All of these actions combined create the necessary conditions for success and that is how anyone can become an expert in their chosen field.

Keep practicing and expanding your skills so that you can eventually become an expert

Becoming an expert in any field can be a daunting task, but if you stay consistent and keep honing your skills, you can achieve it. It is important to understand that being an expert requires hard work, dedication and patience. Regular practice with the right approach is key to continued progress and excellence. In order to become an expert, you must also ensure that you expand your knowledge regularly by learning new material, listening to experts in the field or even taking up additional education on the subject at hand. All of these actions combined create the necessary conditions for success and that is how anyone can become an expert in their chosen field.

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Social Media

The Top 3 Tips for Getting Upvotes on Reddit is a massive community where users create millions of subreddits, or “little communities,” devoted to just about anything you can imagine. These subreddits range from “Bored Panda” to the more weird and obscure ones like “Ask Reddit,” “r/pics,” and “r/WTF.” The site can feel a bit overwhelming at first, but if you follow a few simple rules, you can get more upvotes on your Reddit posts. In this guide, we’ll outline the top 3 tips for getting upvotes on Reddit. We’ll explain what Reddit upvotes are, how they can help you, and how to get more of them. For even more tips and tricks, you can also check out source for more information on how to increase your upvote count on Reddit.

In this guide, we’ll outline the top 3 tips for getting upvotes on Reddit. We’ll explain what Reddit upvotes are , how they can help you, and how to get more of them .

1 . Get Your Subreddit’s Rules Down

Reddit is awesome at allowing users to create subreddits that are as niche or as broad as you want. The downside to this is that if you don’t spend time familiarizing yourself with the subreddit’s rules, you might find yourself banned from the subreddit. The subreddit’s moderators are there to keep the subreddit organized and free from spammers, trolls , and other jerks. If they don’t like your posts, they’ll ban you .

If you’d like to contribute your Reddit posts to popular subreddits , you’ll need to understand its rules and follow them .

One of the key things to keep in mind is that Reddit upvotes are like votes . The higher your post is ranked on the Reddit homepage , the more upvotes it receives.

In order to get more high-ranked Reddit upvotes , you’ll need to post in the right subreddits . For example, if ” r/pics” is a popular subreddit , then you’ll want to post photos to that subreddit instead of posting to ” r/funny .” ”

For more info on how Reddit upvotes work , check out our primer on Reddit upvotes .

2 . Post in the Right Subreddits

The best way to find the highest ranked subreddits for your particular topic is to use the Reddit search engine . Remember , the more upvotes you get on a Reddit post the higher it ranks on the Reddit homepage.

You can search by subreddit name, by keyword, or by question/answer . While it’s not necessary that you post in every subreddit , you should at least try to post in the most popular ones related to your topic.

Here are a few helpful resources to help you find subreddits in your niche:

  • Reddit’s official subreddits page
  • Use the ” browse” feature on the left-hand side of Reddit’s homepage to search for subreddits
  • Use the search bar on the homepage to look for subreddits related to your keyword
  • Use Reddit’s search feature to find subreddits and post links in your niche

If you find popular subreddits in your niche , post links to your posts there to increase your chances of getting upvotes. You can also ask other users to help you by posting a link to one of their posts .

3 . Don’t Be a Jerk

Some redditors love to post comments that are rude , offensive, insulting, or otherwise disrespectful. While these comments are fun for other users to read, they hurt your chances of getting more upvotes . A good rule of thumb is to avoid saying anything that could be deemed hurtful or offensive.

A general rule of thumb is to avoid saying anything that could be deemed hurtful or offensive . A good rule of thumb is to avoid saying anything that could be deemed hurtful or offensive.

Here are some quick tips to keep in mind:

  • Don’t be a jerk . If you’re posting in a controversial subreddit , don’t say things that could be taken as offensive by other users.
  • Be respectful . Respect other users’ opinions even if they differ from yours.
  • Be polite . Use ” please” and ” thank you” if you’re asking for upvotes .
  • Be helpful . If you’re posting a question or tutorial, try to include helpful screenshots, tips , and links.

The last thing we want is people to think we’re jerks. We love doing what we do , and we want to share the awesome knowledge we have with you. But we’re just human . If you’re rude to us or even our bots, we may ban you from our subreddit.

Getting Upvotes on Reddit Is Hard

The main downside to getting upvotes on Reddit is that it’s difficult to get them. Posting on popular subreddits requires both creativity and luck . If you post in the right subreddits at the right time, you might get lucky and get a few upvotes. But if you post in the wrong subreddit at the wrong time , nobody will see your post.

The major reason it’s difficult is to get upvotes . You probably won’t win the lottery , and you won’t get any upvotes without doing something for it. So take the time to raise awareness about your subreddit and your reddit post.

As mentioned earlier , Reddit upvotes are like votes. The more votes you get on a Reddit post the higher it ranks on the Reddit homepage and the more upvotes you’ll receive .

To get more upvotes you need to give people a reason to upvote your post. In this section, we’ll cover a few ways to increase reddit upvotes. While some of these tactics require a bit more work than others , it’s worth it if you’re serious about getting more upvotes.

1 . Keep it Brief and to the Point

One of the biggest mistakes that people make on Reddit is posting long rambling essays. If you want to gain more upvotes , you need to post concise articles with clear points.

You also need to stick to one main point per article and write your article in a way that’s easy to follow. Nobody wants to read through a 1000-word essay that has no clear structure or flow.

Here’s an example from our own company blog:

Here’s an example from our own company blog:

Here’s another example from our ” Engineering Blog” :

2 . Don’t Be a Dick

Another common mistake that people make on Reddit is posting ” dick” comments . If you’re getting downvotes on your Reddit posts , it might be because you’re being rude to other users.

Most people will get downvoted for saying something rude about other users’ posts. Once people get downvoted enough , they’ll get banned and their comments hidden. This means you can’t get upvotes on your comments anymore .

Avoid being rude to other users and stick to the rules .

3 . Read the Comments

One of the best ways to get upvotes is to respond to comments left by other users . Responding to comments and questions helps other users feel heard and helps them realize you’re invested in their Reddit experience.

Responding to comments and questions helps other users feel heard and helps them realize you’re invested in their Reddit experience .

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Buy the best gifts for your family this christmas 

You’ve been looking forward to this day for weeks. You have everything you need to make your loved ones feel special, and the only thing left is finding some great gift ideas. If you’re struggling, here are five gift ideas that make a great Christmas present.

Gift for Dad

A good gift for Dad isn’t always easy. He has so many demands on his time and energy that it can be hard to keep him happy. But if he loves fishing or traveling, a great gift for Dad will show him how much you care. If he enjoys reading, give him a subscription to one of the best magazines in the world: National Geographic.

What about giving a more thoughtful gift? A great idea is a book that makes him laugh. This year, choose a collection of funny stories by Stephen King, Bill Bryson, or P.J. O’Rourke. These books are perfect for someone who needs a break from all their worries.

Gift for Mom

A gift for Mom doesn’t have to be expensive. The key is not to buy something that she already owns. She probably already has plenty of kitchen gadgets, jewelry, and other things that she could use. Instead, think about what she would like.

If she loves wine, consider getting her a bottle of wine she can enjoy with friends. If she enjoys baking, you might want to consider getting her a set of cookbooks. Or perhaps a nice candle would be appreciated—for those late night cuddling sessions.

If you know your mom really appreciates beauty, try giving her a set of makeup brushes. There are lots of different types of makeup brushes available for different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors. Choose them carefully, though; not everyone uses the same style of makeup, and some brands may have specific products that your mom won’t like.

Another gift idea for Mom is a home improvement project kit. It can include tools such as a drill, hammer, nails, screws, tape measure, level, and even a saw. Home improvement kits are popular because they offer several tools to do several projects at once, allowing busy people to complete a project without having to go back and forth between stores. For example, a hammer and screwdriver can help with just about any home improvement project.

Gift for Sister

When you have a sister, chances are you spend quite a bit of time together. And while sisters often bond over clothes, shoes, and gossip, there are some really great ways to give your sister a gift that shows you care about her.

One way to show your sister that you care about her is by buying her a pair of earrings. Women love getting new earrings, especially ones that match their outfits. Earrings come in a variety of shapes and styles, including hoops, dangles, studs, and drops. Whatever type of earring your sister prefers, she’ll be sure to wear them.

Another way to show your sister that you care about her is by getting her an outfit. When you shop, pay close attention to her size. Most stores have separate sections for women and men, but it’s also important to look at the items in both categories. Some items are sized differently depending on gender (such as pants), and others are designed specifically to fit women or men (such as bras).

Some girls are naturally girly, and some are more tomboyish. No matter how girly or boyish your sister is, you should still pick up a few pieces that compliment her personality. A pretty dress is always a fun choice, but if your sister is more into sports, you might instead opt for a cute sports jacket.

The last thing you can do to show your sister that you care about her is by buying her a new toothbrush. Toothbrushes are small, inexpensive items that most women use daily. Make sure to buy a toothbrush that fits her mouth well, and pick one that is sturdy enough to withstand years of use.

Gift for Brother

While siblings may share a lot of memories, they also have different tastes when it comes to gifts. If you want to give your brother a gift that he’ll actually use, consider getting him a small toolbox. Toolboxes are useful for storing small tools, making repairs, and organizing storage space.

Most toolboxes are made of metal or plastic, and are usually rectangular in shape. The lid of the box typically opens up to reveal compartments that hold various tools and supplies. If you know your brother will take advantage of these tools, then a toolbox is a great gift for him.

Don’t forget about your brother’s girlfriend! As you know, brothers and girlfriends are close. And while you may feel awkward asking your brother’s girlfriend for a gift, the truth is that she wants the very thing that your brother does.

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Do Mp3Juice Has Safety Concern? 

Mp3Juice is a credible platform to download music. Completely safe from online threats like viruses and malware. It provides legal content and allows users to use quality music without any issues. 

The platform’s interface is highly durable, and users can enjoy it anywhere by connecting their devices to the internet. Through the downloading option, one can save the music for offline use. 

 Trusted by millions of users

MP3 juice has become the first choice of millions of users because it is safe to use. One can quickly download the desired music, and the finding process is impressive. You do not have to spend hours waiting. 

The processing time is also quick and helps users get quality music in the minimum possible time. It is free from all sorts of malware and viruses, so you never have to worry about the data security of your device.

No need to share personal and financial information 

You may have come across many other music libraries. You never have to worry about any aspect because MP3 juice will not take any of your personal and financial information. From this source of music, one can quickly get multiple benefits. 

The music library will not ask for your personal and financial information. Users can quickly visit the website and search the Desire music track to download it. You will also get an option to listen to it online without any problem.

Compatible with multiple OS and devices

MP3 Juice completely supports all types of operating systems like Android and iOS. You may have different devices, but you do not need to worry about compatibility. MP3 Juice will allow you to download the music without any trouble, no matter what device you use.

No registration required

You do not have to go through the registration process to download the desired music from MP3 Juice. It is designed so that anyone can download music freely without any issue. 

It will allow users to go through the entire gallery and search for their desired music for downloading without asking to get registered on the website.

Finding a song is easy and quick.

The option of MP3 Juice is impressive as it allows users to search the Desire music from different keywords. Users can search the information about a particular song through the title or the name of the artist when they do not remember the song name exactly. It allows users to get regular updates about their favorite artists. Users can also search a music track by its album name.

Quick processing time

Most music lovers prefer to use MP3 juice. It works amazingly well and does not waste the data and time of the users. The processing time of the MP3 juice is significantly less, and visitors can easily download multiple music tracks in significantly less time. 

Therefore, you should never take any chance and has the most authentic methods of managing the entire music tracks by playlist. Making a playlist on the mp3 juice allows the users to go through the various songs and enjoy those tracks anytime. After downloading, one can use them in offline mode as well. 

Huge song collection 

The collection of songs at mp3 juice is impressive, and it contains millions of songs from every era. It means that people of every age can enjoy the songs without a problem. 

The best part about MP3 Juice is that it is free from security threats that you may face in the other music libraries. Music fans can easily find out particular songs from the various methods quickly and get free downloading options. 

No need to subscribe

You will notice that many other online music streaming applications are there. However, MP3 Juice is different from all the other applications because it never asks the users to get a subscription. 

It is free to use, and users can also download the music without providing their email ids or other personal information. It means you can enjoy complete safety and privacy while selecting to use music on the mp3juice application.

Free from advertisement

Most of the time, advertisements waste your data when you find a free music source. But mp3juice offers ads-free options to download the music and enjoy it in your spare time. 

Additional users can enjoy quality music any time while working out or during the journey on a bus or a train. Live streaming is available, and you only have to connect your device to the internet. 

You will not be asked to create a user account before accessing its various features and options. This tractor makes it safer as compared to other music streaming applications.


1- Do I need a user account on Mp3 juice?

It is highly convenient to use the mp3juice app because it is open for everyone. Users do not require any account before having access to its features. 

2- What information do I need to provide to access Music tracks on mp3juice? 

You never have to provide any information; mp3juice is free to use app for music fans. 

3- Is it safe to use the mp3juice?

Millions of users are there using mp3juice for their music love. It is entirely safe to use the mp3juice. 

4- Do I need to pay for the different features of mp3juice?

You should never pay anything for downloading or live streaming the music at mp3 juice, as it is free of cost.

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Computer and Technology, Technology

ChromeBooks and All You need to Know About Them 

Have you ever heard of the Word Chromebook ? well if you are or if you have not then you have come to the right place because this article is about chromebooks, what they are , their features and most importantly where you should get one if you are interested which i guarantee you would.

A chromebook is a new type of personal computer which runs on the chromium operating system and developed by the search engine giant Google. Chromebooks are unique and very different from traditional laptops and/or tablets because they are designed to be majorly used while you are connected on the internet and they do support web applications as oppossed to applications installed on the machine itself.

When chromebooks were first developed and sold , most people were skeptical about them , because they rely on the internet for much of the stuff. but with time , people have come to embrace them because for one they are fast , secure , full featured and very productive as opposed to tablets computers and most importantly they are cheap with a price of less than $300.

Chromebooks comes shipped with an impressive list of features not yet achieved with traditional computers or tablets. these features are:

The chromebook is ready when you are, which means it boots up at an incredibly shoter time, which is less than 10 seconds to get to the desktop area alone . The chromebook not only boots fast but is also fast when using it . this is impressive

With the chromebook , you have access to the google chrome webstore where you can find and use millions of web apps to get things done . applications range from pdf readers , video tools, website tools, security apps and much more.

3. Secure ( You have a peace of mind)

With chromebooks you never have to worry about viruses infecting your computer or antivirus programs asking you to update. The chromebooks do run on the chromium os which has built in protection against viruses with multiple layers of protection.

Additionally you never have to worry about your documents and files getting corrupted because chromebooks features the Google drive which enables you save documents both on your chromebook and on the cloud.

chromebooks plays well with all your devices especially your smartphones . An added bonus is you do not need extra power cables to power on your chromebook. your smartphone charger works well with the chromebook.

Chromebooks have low power intake , and with that they do feature a good battery life which is usually upto 6 hours for regular use. again this may vary depending on your battery usage.

Charging chromebook batteries is also easy which reduces the downtime , and the fact that you can charge your chromebook using a USB cable , is a plus because you can even get power from a nearby person using a laptop with no hassles.

The chromebook is indeed a future laptop replaced because as seen above , it comes packed with a lot of features , which you can learn more by following this link.

What ChromeBook Devices are Available ?

As of this writing , a vast number of chromebooks are available for purchase , which i will be doing a review of each of them in the future . But for a summary, the most popular chromebooks available now , which i must add , have received very good reviews are

This is the newly lunched chromebook by Hp company and comes featured in either blue or white impressive colours. the chromebook features are :

This newly unveiled hp chromebook has proven to be the most popular chromebook so far and you can view more features and product details from the link provided.

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Learn How to Manage All your passwords With LastPass 

Have you ever been in a position where you want to log in to a particular website and dont remember the password you initially used to signup for an account ? Well this are commmon challenges that we all face when browsing the internet because everyday thousands of websites are being created be it social media sites, music sites , download sites, information sites and so on that require us to register for an account first before using the particular services being rendered.

As human beings, we go to the internet for a variety of reasons or to get a variety of services hence when we create accounts in most of the websites we visit , it becomes hard to remember and manage all your passwords that you used to create accounts in a majority of sites such as gmail, facebook, twitter, quora etc. This challenge is further amplified since we fear using the same passwords over all our accounts since there is the ever growing possibility of your accounts being hacked, thus becoming more difficult to manage all your passwords.

Well, if this problem sounds familiar then dont worry because it can be easily fixed using a Web application or software known as LastPass which has an awesome business tagline that says LastPass ( LastPassword in full) is the Last Password that you will ever need.

So your asking yourself what Lastpass is ? Well LastPass is a free online password manager and form filler that makes when browsing more easy and secure by helping your save and manage all your passwords through centralising user password management in the cloud hence helping to resolve the password fatique problem we all face by having to repeatedly remember and re-enter all of our online passwords.

By Password Centralisation, this means that LastPass stores all your passwords on the cloud and then provides mechanisms on how to access and use all of your passwords when required by only keying in your master passwords. A huge advantage of cloud storage is that this service will be available over all your devices i.e. Your browsers (chrome, firefox, mozilla etc), Your smartphone ( android and iOS devices) and all this is a free service.

LastPass Features to Easily Manage All your Passwords

LastPass has a variety of features for viewing and securely managing all of your passwords:

Lastpass is available for download on all major platforms that is windows, mac, all the major browsers and all your smartphones i.e. android phones and tablets, iphones and ipads. Click the link below to take you to the LastPass download package to select the most Suitable package.

It is evident that Managing many passowrds is not easy and most times you tend to forget some or most of your passwords. With Lastpass, all that changes because now you can easily and securely manage all your passwords hence your internet browsing experience will be enjoyable and hastle free. Enjoyed This Article ? please share with your friends and help them easily manage all of their passwords too.

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Computer and Technology, Technology

The 7 Must Have Mozilla Addons for your Mozilla Browser 

Mozilla browser is one of the free web browsers available for both windows and mac computer users. Mozilla is an open source browser and with it comes more flexibility in that you can customize the browser to your likes with mozilla addons or extensions.

Are you a new mozilla browser user, or an established one ? well mozilla addons are an instrumental part of your browsing experience on the internet.

Earlier i had penned an article on the 10 mozilla addons to supercharge your mozilla browser, as a follow up to that article, today i present the 7 must have mozilla addons for your mozilla browser that you should have.

This mozilla addons vary in functionality from social networking addons, security addons , download managers and much more. Enjoy

If you are a regular web browser then you must be annoyed by all advertisements that your are bombarded with , website after website you visit . Not anymore, with AdBlockPlus Mozilla Addon , you can say bye bye to all advertisements.

AdBlockPlus functions to disable all adverisements in websites you visit, so you will not be annoyed with pop ups and other adds plus web pages will load alot faster.

Looking for an all in one free download manager inbuilt to your browser ? perhaps an alternative to internet download manager, well DownloadThemAll or simply DTA is the mozilla addon for you.

DTA features an advanced accelerator that increases speed up to 4x and it allows you to pause and resume downloads at any time. ,additionally you can even download youtube videos with it , view this tutorial for that.

Browsing the internet with your privacy taken care of is more important . You would like to peacefully browse the internet without companies tracking your moves, then for that you need DoNotTrackMe mozilla addon.

DoNotTrackMe functions to protect your privacy by blocking online tracking. DNTMe blocks ads and cookies with tracking, prevents data collection, and keeps your private browsing what it should be – private. Stop web tracking of your browsing activity now. for more about privacy on the internet,please read this article

Managing all your social networks namely Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, tumblr and much more can be a daunting task.

Yoono Mozilla Addon serves to help you to manage All your social networks and instant messaging in one easy to use app – it’s the #1 downloaded social networking add-on for Firefox. Get all your updates, update your status and share across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube & more – all at once

With many if not all websites requiring you to register an account with them to access certain service, then tracking and remebering all your passwords may be a hard task and next to impossible.

Well what is Lastpass ? It is a free online password manager and Form Filler that makes your web browsing easier and more secure, it will automatically fill your login details to all browsers you visit . and the good news is that Lastpass is multiplatform , so all your passwords are available for all your devices.

With millions of websites already available, and thousands being created daily , its hard to know which websites are legit and which are not.

With WebOfTrust mozilla addon, you are able to Find out which websites you can trust. WOT adds intuitive traffic light-style icons next to search results and URLs to help you make informed decisions about whether to visit a site or not.

In additional to downlod them all (DTA), i do recommend another download addon which compliments it, this is known as FlashGot Mass Downloader.

FlashGot Mass Downloader serves to Download all the links, movies and audio clips of a page at the maximum speed with a single click, using the most popular, lightweight and reliable external download managers.

In this article , i have outlined the must have mozilla addons that will help you easily manage and be productive with your mozilla browser and the internet. Now you are able to download videos, block adds , easily save passwords and enjoy privacy right from your web browser.

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Top 5 Freelance Websites To Easily Earn Money Online 

Do you have some skills , and would you like to make money while you surf the internet ? Well with the economy of the day , one has to diversify his/her income sources to be well off financially. if you want to know trusted freelance websites where you can make money by making use of your skills then you have come to the right place.

The freelance websites which you can earn money , in the order of simplicity and popularity are:

Fiverr is the most popular and easy to use freelance websites , for both those who want to make money or get services at a cheap rate. Fiverr bills itself as the worlds largest marketplace for services starting at only $5. As a Freelancer you can advertise your services(gig) which may be graphics , advertising, marketing , seo services , article writing and editing and much more.

When someone orders your service(gig) and you successfully complete it, you get paid $5 dollars where fiverr deducts $1 and you remain with $4. The popular your gig , the more money you can get. Another advantage of fiverr is that you can withdraw your money easily , with support for both paypal and payoneer payment services . What you wait for ? Click on the link below to signup for fiverr and start earning right away.

Another of the most popular freelance websites after fiverr is which is billed as the #1 professional market place for freelancers with over 4.5 million freelancers , 1.5 million posted and currently one in the freelancer market. As a freelancer , you can apply for jobs posted on the site which covers a variety of topics, these include logo designers , wordpress experts, web and mobile developers, personal assistants and much more.

The good thing about Odesk is that you can negotiate on what and when you will want to be paid , at the same time it supports various payment methods.

Elance is another popular freelancer website behind odesk much like , where you can activiely bid for jobs posted as a freelancer . The beauty of Elance is that it has no much competition compared to Odesk , hence it it highly recommended that New Freelancers to try using elance first to hone up their skills then head over to odesk and compete with the big fish.

Elance features a lot of jobs depending on one’s skills in a host of categories and with daily job listings, you can easily get hired and start earning money.

peopleperhour is a unique freelancer website , very different from elance, odesk or fiverr. This because with PeoplePerHour , You as a freelancer are required to post your job (which is free) and state how much amount of money you will want to get paid per hour for doing the job you just posted.

Customers will then browse the website, and if they find your job interesting , they will order it and guess what ? you get paid for doing that job per hour . The advantage with PeoplePerHour is that you set the amount of money you want to be paid for the services you offer. this will range from $10 to even $1000. Access the website from the link provided below and start earning per hour is a site similar to both odesk and elance where you can hire professionals in any field to do any work for you in various categories such as article writting , video marketting , web & mobile development and much more .

The competition on this site is huge but in order to standout , you can take proficiency courses in you are of interest and the chances of getting hired for a particular job will be high. Just follow the link below to sign up, fill your profile and get started bidding for jobs.

Today’s website guide topic has been on freelance websites , and above i have provided a number of the five best freelance websites where you can earn money by using you skills to perform jobs for other people. Any skill that you have be it writting articles, editting, graphics , development or any other skill can earn you money simply by you visiting the above mentioned sites and applying/advertising for jobs.

With only a computer , skills and time, you can easily earn alot of money by being a freelancer. Go ahead and apply to the above mentioned sites and Remember : it takes time and patience so dont loose hope when applying for jobs. Enjoy and Happy earnings.

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Computer and Technology, Technology

How to Easily Clean your Computer For Free 

Is your computer running slow ? Well , A computer needs to be to be maintained regularly , otherwise the computer will begin to run slow . It is advisable to Scan and maintan your computer frequently , sy like every two weeks to ensure its smooth operation.

  • To keep your computer at optimal performance, numerous activities have to be taken into consideration when cleaning your computer such as:
  • Registry cleaning : A register that contains all your computer activities, it needs to be cleaned regularly .
  • Temporary Files Cleaning : Windows accumulate this files , and over time they may occupy large valuable space
  • Adware and Spyware Cleaning : You have to scan and ensure your computer system is not hijacked by malware and adeware, and if so then it should be eliminated
  • Uninstall unused programs : You may have programs that you no longer use and they take valuable space, that need to removed.

As seen above, very many cleaning processes have to take place to ensure our computer is thoroughly cleaned. Would’nt it be more easy if there was a program to automatically do all this at once ??

Today, i introduce an effective computer cleaning and optimization software known as Glary Utilities.

Well Glary Utilities is a computer Cleaning and Optimzation Software that comes with a wide range of tools and premium features or geared towards ensuring your computer is cleaned and running as fast as it should be.

Protects your privacy and makes your computer faster and cleaner

As mentioned, Glary utilities includes a list of over 20 plus premium tools to enable you clean your computer for free. Some of the tools include :

Additionally, Glary utilities also features a 1-Click Maintenance to ensure you do the above tasks automatically and at once. Glary utilities is evidently a must have pc cleaning tool.

How to Clean your Computer For Free using Glary Utilities

To use Glary utilities, Please follow the outlined steps below to ensure you effectively clean your computer for free.

1. Download Glary Utilities and Install (Download Link will be provided below)

3. Click on scan for issues and await while glary utilities scans your computer

4. After Scanning, Click on the Repair button, Glary utilities will go on Clean your computer for free and fast.

Computer clean up software is an important piece of software that each and every pc computer user should have to ensure that your computer is problem free, junk free and able to run at optimum speeds without being affected by problems such as registry problems, privacy problems or adware and spyware . (see also Free Software to Remove Spyware from your Computer)

Glary utilies is therefore a clean up software that will enable you clean up your computer for free and it is highly recommended to have on your computer.

To Download Glary utilities, Follow the link below and Download

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Top 3 Must HAVE Mozilla Add-ons for Online Shoppers 

Want to save tons of money while shopping online ? This Mozilla Add-ons will assist you

The number of online retailers is increasing each day and so are the number of online shoppers. Deals and Savings are part of the online shopping experience where users can save money when buying goods and services online.

Earlier, I had written an article on The Best Websites for online Shopping, where I listed the best websites and their deals and savings section, please do checkout if you need to know of online websites.

In this article, we explore the Best Mozilla Shopping Add-ons that will keep track of the best deals and savings happening online and automatically fill in Coupons for you to ensure you have maximum savings when shopping online.

3 Must HAVE Mozilla Add-ons for Online Shoppers

PriceBlink is the best Firefox online add-on there is and actually scooped a 2012 Readers Choice Award for best Firefox browser add-on.

When you browse the internet, PriceBlink automatically finds lower prices for products and looks for money saving coupons from thousands of online retailers , so regardless of which website your are, you will always find discounts.

PriceBlink helps you save money and has cool features such:

  • Instant Price Comparison – Find the lowest price on a given product
    Coupons – Get alerts on both money saving and free shipping coupon codes
    Shipping Charges – Get first hand information on shipping charges should you buy the product Shopping works much like PriceBlink but offers much more privacy when shopping online by supporting the use of HTTPS and works on search engines. Additionally, it is Safe, Discrete and 100% free.

So when you search for products through your favourite search engines, shopping will provide you with existing coupons alongside the search results.

Invisible hand is a Mozilla Firefox Add-on that automatically get the lowest price on online products ( including flights).

Just as its name , this add-on will show a discrete notification when a better price for products and flights is available. It is non intrusive and must have for online shoppers and travels.

InvisibleHand is free and supports major retailers in the US, UK and Germany, for more information please visit their official site

All the three Mozilla Add-on’s listed above pretty much do the same thing with little difference in features, it is recommended to install any two and experiment, but if you only need to install one mozilla add-on then i would recommend InvisibleHand.

As online shopping expands , it is important that you as a shopper be smart and be able to save some bucks when you buy your favourite products online or even when you shop.

With these mozilla addon, you will be able to save, get value for money and buy more stuff online

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